Healing From Trauma on the Road to Surviving Abuse
TRIGGER WARNING: (None. You can breathe easy!)
Let’s Take a Prayer Break, please.
Hello all, it’s Maya.
Sometimes on this path, the sky gets dark. The clouds gather and the wind picks up. The sky (like my brain and body) just seems to twist and turn in zigzag thunder bolts where nothing seems to appear real. I’m turning my head and body to try and find the sun, but I ain’t got nothin’. The weeds of fear grow quickly and block the path. There’s rocks and my shoes suddenly are ripped and torn and I’m tripping over everything. Whaaat?

But I know the truth. I know that behind the dark clouds is the truth and I can speak it confidently, plus have patience in the outcome. If I just continue to put one foot in front of the other, the weeds fall back and the path becomes clear again. Each step I take finds the sun in my eyes a bit more. Another 29 steps forward, and I have to put on my sunglasses because the sun is bright, the clouds are now a perfect shade of light-blue and medium-navy. There are no weeds, just the bright purple lilac bushes that line the path and stand tall against the gentle breeze. My pathway is dust free and my open toed sandals reveal a perfect pedicure. Peace!
How does this happen? How does the magic of the truth break out from behind fear? Prayer.
As a lapsed Catholic who firmly believes in God, I consider dance as a form of prayer. When things have gone from bad to worse and I just can’t seem to see my way past unending panic and fear, I dance. I will pull over to dance in a parking lot. I will dance in a store while grocery shopping. I will dance in public and I choose to dance every single morning when I get out of bed. I can’t wait to see what song pops up on Spotify because that’s how I am already anticipating the newness of the day and the prayer that will begin with music.
You know, I have had so many people say “I’ll pray for you.” And, I believe they do. Knowing I have people praying for me helps fuel the dance. Gives the dance extra power for not only myself, but everyone I am dancing for. Because if I tell someone I will say a prayer for them, I really mean I’m going to boogie down. My arms will be over my head and a leg jump, plus a hip swivel that releases an electrical current all the way to heaven for God and his (her) right hand dog, Beetlejuice.
Dancing, prayer, safety, and magic… always magic,
My prayer for you today, and any day you need it is this: Please have the courage to find a quiet place to address how you’re feeling in your relationship. If you are living with sadness, worry, lies, fear and pain there is help. Doesn’t matter if it’s been thirty years or thirty days. The FEELINGS you have are often the first red flags your body is giving you, so that you can recognize you’re meant to move AWAY from the person making you feel that way. There is 24/7 immediate assistance for you, your children, and your pets. Please text START to 88788 or you can always call 800-799-SAFE (7233). Have to be honest that 40% of the calls don’t get answered because they are SO BUSY. But PLEASE DO NOT STOP TRYING. You can even hop online at: thehotline.org and chat with a live person. The SAFE hotline is always free, and able to accommodate 140 languages.
Also, check out the Safe In Harm’s Way micro-site called TheLastImSorry.com. You can choose what is causing you the most worry and pain, and then receive two immediate and actionable steps to take while you are still living with the person issuing harm.
The Band Joseph “White Flag”
The Safe In Harm’s Way team has a lovely battle cry song. It’s by the band Joseph. The attached link is beautiful because it is just one guitar and the voices of three sisters. “Burn the White Flag” is our psalm for the day. Man o’ man does this song fit our path. Please feel free to listen below, turn the volume up, and PRAY!
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