We have been talking to many survivors and folks just getting through something horrible.
When the “stuff” starts to pile up- remember who you are. You’re a #queen no matter what life throws your way.
- Stand up tall (A little bit every day)
- Shoulders back (more often than not)
- Stomach in (good core work)

And you know what? SAY YOUR NAME!!
That’s right.
Look in the mirror and announce it “Do you know who I am? I’m MANDY F’ING DUNKAN” (one of our favorite supporters of Safe In Harm’s Way, but you use your name) and don’t shrink back.
☞ even if you’re scared
☞ even if you’re voice shakes
☞ even if you can’t quite keep the tears at bay
Plus, remember all the amazing things you do every day for your employer, your family, your kids, your friends, etc etc etc.
Own your worth and never back down. You have had the power all along!!
Do you have a trick you use to help decrease your exhaustion? What have you discovered on your own journey of healing which helped you really heal on a bad day? Share it with us at: Mary@safeinharmsway.org
We envision a world where survivors can recognize their own power as they heal. Plus, we know that sharing your story lessens the shame and silence for any person who reads it. We stand as architects of change, amplifying the voices of survivors by addressing the intricate web of new ideas and healing resources to create a new life. Our values encompass a sanctuary where feelings find validation, where emotions find expression, and where healing begins. Join us! Take our hand and let’s go change the world!
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