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You have done the very hard and courageous work of leaving an abuser. But you’re worried about being found. It took you SOOOO long to find the courage to leave, and now that you’re safe, how do you STAY safe.

It’s important life-saving information to know you can use our partners at

For less than $90 a year JoinDeleteMe will remove ALL your personal information like new phone number, new address, and any publicly searchable information from the internet.

You get a quarterly report telling you exactly where you were FOUND and REMOVED. You can work with a personal privacy customer service representative, and send in places you want to be sure you are deleted from. This means you, your aging parents, your kids, and pets are all kept safe from the prying eyes of the person who issued you great harm.

It’s easy to sign up. Just head to and use our SAFE20 discount code to start today.

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