Just once, ok….maybe several times. Experience what it feels like to move out of your comfort zone and survive.

- Maybe it’s as small as making your bed
- Maybe it’s ordering a Big Mac instead of Quarter Pounder
- Maybe it’s deciding to walk around the block twice
- Maybe it’s deciding to get dressed up and go to a movie by yourself
- Maybe it’s deciding to take a free online course
- Maybe it’s signing up for a free Facebook event in your local area
You can do it!! We believe in you and will be cheering you on with every big step you take
Do you have a trick you use to help decrease your exhaustion? What have you discovered on your own journey of healing which helped you really heal on a bad day? Share it with us at:
We envision a world where survivors can recognize their own power as they heal. Plus, we know that sharing your story lessens the shame and silence for any person who reads it. We stand as architects of change, amplifying the voices of survivors by addressing the intricate web of new ideas and healing resources to create a new life. Our values encompass a sanctuary where feelings find validation, where emotions find expression, and where healing begins. Join us! Take our hand and let’s go change the world!