Who has been there for you?
In big ways or small ways- heck, even on a random Tuesday afternoon, who has been there for you?
This week, let them know. Write a letter and use snail- mail to make it stand out. Just TELL them and thank them. You’ll feel better instantly, and you’ll make someone’s day a little brighter, too.
Gratitude has been shown to lower feelings of stress and anxiety. In fact, studies have found that a single act of thoughtful gratitude produces an immediate 10% increase in happiness, and a 35% reduction in depressive symptoms. These effects disappear within three to six months, which reminds us to practice gratitude over and over.
Now step outside yourself and go write that personalized card (or text message) to your own Gratitude Hero.
Do you have a trick you use to help increase your confidence? What have you discovered on your own journey of healing which helped you really heal on a bad day? Share it with us at: Mary@safeinharmsway.org
We envision a world where survivors can recognize their own power as they heal. Plus, we know that sharing your story lessens the shame and silence for any person who reads it. We stand as architects of change, amplifying the voices of survivors by addressing the intricate web of new ideas and healing resources to create a new life. Our values encompass a sanctuary where feelings find validation, where emotions find expression, and where healing begins. Join us! Take our hand and let’s go change the world!